Monday, May 10, 2010

LINGER trailer!

Maggie Stiefvater has made another trailer! It is fantastic! This one is for Linger, the sequel to the beloved NYT Best Selling novel Shiver.

It wouldn't be fair to keep this information to myself. By posting this I'm also entered in a contest! I LOVE posting trailers and if I can win something by doing it, that's an awesome bonus! (click the link to read about the contest!)

So, she also has a post on her blog about HOW she made the trailer which is totally informative and almost as entertaining as the actual trailer! You can view part one, part two, part three, and part four on her blog. (click the links!)

Something everyone should know is that both trailers were made with THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of paper cut outs and she composed the music! She even plays it along with her brother and sister. Now, that's dedication. I highly recommend that you read about how she did it!

In case you haven't already seen her stop motion trailer for Shiver, it's below. It is also beautiful! If you haven't read Shiver, do it NOW!

Linger is set for release on July 20th 2010! That's 71 days from now.

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