Thursday, February 18, 2010

Woo Hoo!

Amelia of Imagination in Focus was kind enough to pass along the Blogger Buddie Award to me! =D Thank you so much Amelia.

Now I believe I am supposed to pass it along as well!

I shall pass this to my best friend Katie at DedicatedReadersOnly. (She needs to post more. *cough cough*)

And also to Choco at In Which A Girl Reads because I just love her blog and she seems really nice =D I'm a pretty new follower and I look forward to her new posts!

I would totally give it back to Amelia, but that just seems...unnecessary. So Amelia, if you read this post, know that you get this award back from me anyway =D

1 comment:

  1. Aww, thanks for the award, you're so sweet! *huggles* <333

